Jhannet’s Liked Places
Plaça d'Espanya is one of Jhannet’s Liked Places.

1. Plaça d'Espanya

Pl. d'Espanya, Barcelona, Catalunya
Plaza · Sants-Montjuïc · 266 tips and reviews

Jhannet S.Jhannet Sanchez: GO at night and experience the fountain show! Their is music and the fountain is amazing it goes with the music. You will love it! Take lots of pictures and your family!

Camp Nou is one of Jhannet’s Liked Places.

2. Camp Nou

C. Arístides Maillol, 12 (Av. Joan XIII), Barcelona, Catalunya
Soccer Stadium · Les Corts · 1296 tips and reviews

Jhannet S.Jhannet Sanchez: When I studied abroad I lived 10minutes away I must say going to the game and touring the camp is an amazing/ Awesome experience. I learned so much history of Barcelona. Love it go BARCA!!!

Saint Peter's Square is one of Jhannet’s Liked Places.

3. Saint Peter's Square

(Piazza San Pietro)
Piazza San Pietro, Vatican
Plaza · Città del Vaticano · 415 tips and reviews

Jhannet S.Jhannet Sanchez: Go to the top I walked all the steps and YES it is exhausting but totally worth the view! Amazing view from the very top! Loved it want to go back all ready!

Park Güell is one of Jhannet’s Liked Places.

4. Park Güell

C. Olot, s/n, Barcelona, Catalunya
Park · La Salut · 1323 tips and reviews

Jhannet S.Jhannet Sanchez: This is one of my favorite places in the world. I loved it and be sure to take a snack if you want to stay for a while. Be ready to walk! Love the architecture and the locals explain so much!

The Magic Time Machine is one of Jhannet’s Liked Places.

5. The Magic Time Machine

902 NE Loop 410, San Antonio, TX
Steakhouse · Oak Park - Northwood · 32 tips and reviews

Jhannet S.Jhannet Sanchez: Very fun environment to go with your family! Everyone is themed and a character. Be careful if you ask where the restroom is! :)

Galleria Dallas is one of Jhannet’s Liked Places.

6. Galleria Dallas

13350 Dallas Pkwy (btwn Lyndon B Johnson Fwy & Alpha Rd), Dallas, TX
Shopping Mall · 113 tips and reviews

Jhannet S.Jhannet Sanchez: A fun place to go ice skating from beginners to advance. Their is also a jungle themed play are for families with kids.

Fair Park is one of Jhannet’s Liked Places.

7. Fair Park

1200 S 2nd Ave (at Grand Ave), Dallas, TX
Park · 88 tips and reviews

Jhannet S.Jhannet Sanchez: Chinese Lantern Festival is still open it is beautiful and you learn so much about their culture.

Henk's European Deli & Black Forest Bakery is one of Jhannet’s Liked Places.

8. Henk's European Deli & Black Forest Bakery

5811 Blackwell St (at Twin Hills Av), Dallas, TX
German Restaurant · 38 tips and reviews

Jhannet S.Jhannet Sanchez: Chocolate Strawberry Cream cake is a must! I always buy a cake from here for my families birthday celebrations!

Sugar Queen Cupcakes is one of Jhannet’s Liked Places.

9. Sugar Queen Cupcakes

2320 W University Dr (Bonnie Brae), Denton, TX
Cupcake Shop · 6 tips and reviews