The lamb was great and also the wine. The moussaka had potential but it was a bit cold in the bottom: a pitty. The bread was excellent and the staff really pleasant. It was an overall good experience!
Κρίμα το μαγαζι ! ΧΑΛΙΑ Φαγητο ΧΑΛΙΑ Σερβις! Ηταν all time classic και το είχαμε στέκι μας 20 χρόνια και τωρα τοκαναν απρόσωπο σουβλακερί! Και έχουν βάλει ΧΑΛΙΑ προσωπικό! Κρίμα! Στενοχωρηθηκα!
Kazarma Mykonos is a restaurant with Mediterranean cuisine located in Mykonos island at Yalos in the town. Our passion is to serve you with excellence!