Big Box Store · Ala Moana - Kakaako · 78 tips and reviews
Kevin S. Oshiro: Front Entrance Security Locker: Punch in the 4 digit code, that you made up, twice. To unlock, punch in The Same 4 digit Code once, then turn Handle to Open the Locker.
Kevin S. Oshiro: Blue post office Mail Box hours; the Postal Truck Worker ("MailMan/MailWoman") will deliver the mail to the Kapalama Post Office, from Monday - Saturday; Sunday (Closed): 5:00 P.M., at the latest
Supermarket · Kalihi - Palama · 13 tips and reviews
Kevin S. Oshiro: Weekly $ale is Still ON !: Wed./DEC. 14, 2022 - Sat./DEC. 24, 2022. $ave Money: if You (are) Broke, just Stay Home: wherever You May Live: on the Beach, a Cardboard Box, a Park Bench, pushing Carts
Kevin S. Oshiro: Maruchan Ramen/Saimin noodles: beef 6 pack was $3.49. Mr. Brown : mountain blend or iced coffees: $1.19 + HI beverage fee 1 cent +recycling fee 5 cents, each. Big Roll 1-Ply Toilet Paper 0.79 or 10/$6