Flying Breakfast was a 10-course meal with cheese & ham plate and 7 more savoury delicious small meals like poached eggs, risotto, fish&chips, leberkäse.. At the end 2 desserts are served also.
they care about where their food comes from & the flavors are there. but like many similar restaurants, there's too much happening in the plate. well-sourced food can & should shine in simplicity.
Try Bleistiftspargel, Kutteln fritti , Bresaolahausgemacht, Alte Kuh von der BOA-Farm gehackt & Marillen-Powidl Tascherl, Crème brûlée von der Indianerbanane, Erdbeeren vom
Flying Breakfast am Samstag ist eine nette Idee. Aber 25 Minuten Wartezeit zwischen den Gerichten (insgesamt 3,5h) ist schon etwas über der Schmerzgrenze...