For malaysian jz show your IC n pay only rm15. For non malaysian too bad u need to pay rm30. I felt more safer with this cable car rather than the one at genting. Hehe
Come early in the morning to avoid crowd n streaking sun. Do not go to the stardome thing. Waste of money. If u buy drinks b4 the entrance better hide it in ur bags
Cable cars operate on solar system n freeze service on rainy days.& bad weather cable car n even the sky bridge close for safety prevention from lighting
Tickets have specific timing for queueing. People start lining up even though not called up. A lot of unnecessary confusion here. Lazy to queue? Jump the line anytime by paying RM50 per tix. Rip off!
It provides an aerial link from near Burau Bay Resort at Teluk Burau to the peak of Gunung Machinchang, which is also the location of the Langkawi Sky Bridge. The total length is 2.2 km (1.4 miles).