Le Bistroy

Le Bistroy

  • Tips
    Lauren G.
    "fabulous spread for brunch plus crepe"(2 Tips)
    Le A.
    "22€ for brunch buffet on a saturday"(3 Tips)
Tips and Reviews icon6 Tips and reviews
  • brunch food
  • restaurants
  • café
  • recettes originales
  • produits frais
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  • Le A.heart icon on user image
    Le AmpotaSeptember 16, 2018
    22€ for brunch buffet on a saturday was perfect.Included was one cold drink, one hot drink, one warm dish(egg, sausage n salad), crêpes and buffet with lots of bread, sweets and fruits. Book 1st
  • Elizabeth B.heart icon on user image
    Elizabeth BursteinOctober 3, 2019
    Good basic breakfast. I had the eggs a ham, and then we shared the french toast w nectarine. Nothing super fancy but did the iob!
  • Lauren G.
    Lauren GilmoreMarch 17, 2018
    On Saturdays, they have a fabulous spread for brunch plus crepe and warm dish additions.
  • Sá B.
    Sá BenficaJune 18, 2019
    Tourist place. The food isn't fresh, even the cake wasn't homemade (it's from a supermarket). It's cheaper to do your groceries than go there to eat. On the other hand, the staff is really nice.
  • Francyheart icon on user image
    FrancyJanuary 8, 2016
    Gusti molto francesi, a pranzo si può prendere il menu du midi: piatto del giorno con contorno, dessert, caffè per €15.50. Le altre opzioni sul menù vanno dai 15€ in su a piatto. Se siete a dieta è ok
  • Serge C.
    Serge CAJNAJanuary 20, 2017
    un sympathique restaurant de quartier qui propose un menu à 15.50 euros (plat du jour, dessert et café). des recettes originales et des produits frais pour un déjeuner bon et léger
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