Amazing concert to go to: Daniel Oren #Beethoven #symphony5 #Bernstein #chichester 🎼🎶📯🎺🎷🎻 amazing, entertaining and also the choir gives you goosebumps! 👏👍
Amazing to experience the cristall-clear acoustic from the stage as a performingartist! With your ticket parking is free of charge and there are student-friendly standing places too.
Take the #2 tram along the river down to this s somewhat remote concert hall for any musicalperformance. The Anton Dvorak hall is a very beautiful, modern hall with excellent acoustics.
The Palace of Arts opened an ice rink for the first time ever this year. Until 4 January, up to 100 people can skate to music in front of the iconic arts building
"The Palace of Arts opened an ice rink for the first time ever this year. Until 4 January, up to 100 people can skate to music in front of the iconic arts building."
бомбезный современный концертный зал, на концерт не попали, но в следующий приезд обязатьельно хочу попасть туда. можно побродить по всему зданию и подняться на крышу