Impressive collection of dinos, beautifully exposed. Explanations are quite old-fashioned and some interactive displays need maintenance, but overall worth the visit.
Great museum with extensive exhibits, lovely architecture especially in the dinosaur area, insects on 4th floor is very extensive although in need of updating
Too little known Museum (with a big M!) which surprised me with its extensive and diverse collections. Has some remarkable things in store, worth the visit if you ever find yourself in Brussels.
For this year's Kunstenfestivaldesarts (3>25 May), artist Jozef Wouters creates a 'Zoological Institute for Recently Extinct Species' as an extension to our Museum... Tix&info:
Attention: the tickets for 'Baby Animals' for this afternoon (Thursday, 04 April) are almost sold out! Off course, there are still tickets available for the permanent halls.
Architecture magnifique, collection exceptionnelle. Circulation labyrinthique. Pedagogiquement lamentable. Un bon résumé de notre belgitude: un patrimoine fantastique mais incapable de l'exploiter...
Minpunten: gebrekkige kennis vh Nederlands bij sommige personeelsleden & tijdelijke expo 'animal babies' was een sof. Pluspunt: de overweldigende dinoskeletten natuurlijk!
Zeer afgeleefd museum. Uiteraard is hun collectie opgezette dieren interessant. Maar overal is het vuil of zijn de interactieve spellen kapot. Voor jonge kinderen dus zeer vervelend.
Tout, sans presque aucune exception est en panne ! Expo pour les enfants 'complète' après avoirtourné 1h pour trouver une place de parking. Budget mal dépensé.
Expobaby animaux très décevante. Adaptée aux tout-petits enfants mais pour les plus de 4ans,pas géniale. Mini-expo,pas bcp d'apprentissage.on est déçus.
With over 17 000 specimens, a modern and dynamic museum set-up, and many interactive exhibits, the Museum of Natural Sciences is much more than a museum, it is a genuine life experience with hours of discovery for adults and children. Discover, amongst others, the largest Dinosaur Gallery in Europe!