The theater snacks and drinks are crazy expensive. Eat before or after the movie. There's a McDonalds across from the theater, so you can grab a quick cheap bite and a drink there before the movie.
Enjoy the big screen and remember to silence your device! If you’re a frequent cinema-goer, select Motorola devices can be programmed to turn off the ringer automatically with Smart Actions.
Honor our Navy veterans by donating $5 to help build the "Spirit of the American Navy" sculpture just down the road from here. Details:
Bathrooms not by the theater, almost $40 for 2 tickets, $25 flat fee parking, $3.50 for non-movie-sized milk duds.Garrett's and McDonalds close by. BYO_ super easy
Movie Screening Viewers Beware! You will stand in line for hours! No one will tell you the theater is full. And please do not get upset CPD officers will TASER you at the request of IMAX staff! BEWARE
Seating is ASSIGNED! plan ahead (buy tix online at and don't worry about lining up before the movie because you're guaranteed your seats!
They sold 4,000 Groupons for "Born to be Wild" which makes 8,000 guest. Unfortunately, they only have one ticket box open. This is stupid and badly organized - we are in line for more than an hour.