Church · Śródmieście Północne · 9 tips and reviews Also known as the The Church of the Holy Cross, this Warsaw landmark has a beautiful Baroque style, and is home to the pillar containing the heart of Polish composer Frédéric Chopin.
Plac Jozefa Piłsudskiego, Warszawa, Województwo mazowieckie
Plaza · Śródmieście Północne · 8 tips and reviews
BizAndy K: Check out the tomb of the unknown soldier and the nearby Saski Gardens (Ogród Saski). The square is bordered by the famous Victoria hotel and the award-winning Metropolitan office building.
Parking · Śródmieście Północne · No tips or reviews
Bence Szegvári: "The Glass Bubble" next to the railway station is a last minute resort before taking the train. Grab something to eat or buy some new clothes while you are waiting for departure.