Do your work, don't be lazy, and take advantage of all classes offered year-round. I'm finishing my AS and already got accepted to OU for fall .. You can do it ... Just stay motivated!
Its pretty cool here the game design class is awesome but here's a too don't try to do general Ed and your major at Tue same time knock general Ed first out then focus on the major. It helped me
If someone asks for something to b repeated then there is a good chance they are not the only one in the class that needs it, but they are the only one brave enough.
I'm an "old person" too, and after attending OCCC, I went on to get a masters at OU. Questions are the basis for learning, which is why we all are here in college in the first place.
I have a confirmed extreme hearing loss and even sitting on the front row I occasionally need things repeated. that does not make me stupid, it does say that I'm actually paying attention.
As an "old" person I would like to say that I am neither an ex-convict...or stupid. In fact I see more younger students not paying attention and asking stupid questions than us "old" people.