One of the central works of Catalan Modernista architecture and a great live venue. Architect Lluís Domènech i Montaner does not receive as much attention as Gaudi, but is equally worthy. Read more
Excursion doesn't worth it. Buy a ticket for the performance for 30 euro and have more impressions, rather than spend 20 for watching a film about palace.
Don't do the tour! €18 per person! It's a rip off. They show you a shortfilm (15 minutes) then you get 10 minutes in the concert hall. It is beautiful inside but put the money towards a show.
A fantastic creation by "modernisme" architect Doménech i Montaner. Great acoustics allow you to truly enjoy a programme of classical, jazz, tango etc.
Really nice building, but the tour for 20€ was disappointing. The first 20 minutes (of the 50 minute tour) were a video, later they rushed and didn’t even give time for pictures. Not worth the money.
I highly recommend to visit the Palau Musica Catalana,not only for gigs and concerts but also attending a guided tour which gives more insights on this stunning venue. Read more
Construït, entre 1905 i 1908. Icona del Modernisme. Declarat Patrimoni de la Humanitat per la Unesco l’any 1997.
Testimoni de la vida musical i social de Barcelona durant més de 100 anys. Equipament cultural viu i dinàmic, obert al món. Més de 300 concerts i gairebé 200.000 visitants anuals.