A small gallery and a Polaroid/camera shop. Nice and cozy place, Polaroid instant films for the best price and a huge variety of expired 35mm films! Also selling beautiful Polygraph albums.
One of my most favourite places in Prague! A must if you're a polaroid fan or just simply like looking at cool photos)) You can rent their polaroid cameras for free, you only pay for the film!
Polagraph, small photo gallery with shop. Shop in this gallery is completely equipped for photoshooting with polaroid cameras and lomography. www.polagraph.cz Read more
Polagraph, malá fotografická galerie spojená s obchůdkem. Galerie je specializovaná na fotografii vzniklou chemickým procesem, především na fotografii instantní (Polaroid). www.polaroidlove.cz Read more
Velmi pratelska atmosfera a barevne hrave prostredi. Jednani na jednicku! Pokud jste milovnici retro fotek z Polaroidu, tohle je to prave misto pro presne Vas 😊