Opened in 1892, this gastronomic bazaar features 80 merchants in 1.7 acres. Newsworthy: During World War II, the Market was a mecca for Philadelphians seeking relief from the rigors of rationing.
Could have spent hours here! If you're on a diet eat before you get here there are so many awesome options. If you're not on a diet, eat up! I must go back here.
You can get ANYTHING you want here. Seriously. Sweet potato fries at the vegetarian counter, soft pretzels at the Amish counter, ice cream at Basset's. Just go to walk around, you'll find something.
To experience the Amish, you must visit from Wednesday through Saturday. Most Amish merchants close at 2 pm Wednesday and 5 pm Thursday through Saturday.
In Philly? Near Chinatown? If you are hungry but indecisive GO HERE. Try a roast pork sandwich with sharp provolone from DiNic's or a Turkey Dinner from The Original Turkey with sides. Amazing. Read more