Lions,tigers,bears-oh my!It’s free and has literally all the animals you could think of.You burn a lot of calories from walking(it’s huge),so you won’t feel guilty eating the yummy concession food!🦒
The St. Louis Zoo is a wonderful destination for both children and adults. It's easy to spend hours with the over-700 species of animals in what is consistently ranked one of the best zoos in the U.S.
It's basically always busy, but a fantastic experience, and free! If you go in the heat of afternoon, many animals will be napping; Id recommend the morning for kids desperate to see certain animals.
Become a member! If you go to the zoo more than once a year it is worth it. Great place for kids and the membership gets you parking and free rides all day!
This is the last free zoo in the US, and it's amazing. Don't miss sea lion sound and the Penguins. Those are our favorite exhibits. the carousel & Children's Zoo are also free the first hour each day.
The best zoo in the country and it is FREE which makes it so accessible. The animal exhibits are very humane and this zoo takes amazing care of all the animals. There are lots of food stands too!
It can get crazy busy on the weekends so expect a crowd even on Sunday but given they have free admission it is totally worth a bit of a wait on certain exhibits. Though you might want to bring cash.
A must see zoo for an awesome experience best thing is it’s a free zoo only thing is you have to pay $15 for the parking lot or it’s free parking on the streets near the zoo
Penguins, Lions, Gorillas, Stingrays, Elephants, Bears, Polar bears, Snakes, Flamingos, Tigers, Tortoise, Rhinos, Giraffes, so many to look at it!! I loved it!!
Is it just me or it I find some exhibit that I haven't seen in years here everytime.. my my my memory surprises me often, lol! Great place to take the family!
Just around the corner from our outdoor theatre, the St. Louis Zoo is another amazing free attraction in the park, be sure to see the penguins during your visit!
Me and my friends decided to road trip down to St. Louis and we did a lot of things down there. But we voted this was the best thing we did down there! Bonus: it's free!
This zoo has some great exhibits! It's laid out funky and one can get lost easily. I've been here twice and both times I've gotten turned around trying to find the exit.
Big Cat Country and Fragile Forest are must sees. Especially when the Tigers are out. There's also the new Sea Lion Sound! We have the BEST Zoo in the U.S.
This is an amazing zoo, parking is a bit difficult but if you can find free parking, you can have a family fun day completely free, and nothing beats free.
Probably one of the best zoos in the country, especially since it's free to get in! The penguinexhibit is awesome. Make sure to wear comfortable walking shoes, too.
study the maps it is easy to get lost. Read the arrows in the follow banner that corresponds to the area color, not those at the bottom of the sign which may point to restrooms, etc.
Want to see the giraffes, penguins and snakes up close and personal? You can take a Behind the Scenes Tour at the Zoo! Check out their website for options. For more insider tips, follow @MoonriseHotel Read more
Thinking about having a wedding ceremony and looking for a great and exciting venue? Check out the St Louis Zoo in Forrest Park .
bring your own food & drink or get 1 zoo cup & share as refils are free the first day, best place to eat is geraffe cafe if looking 4 a more quiet place, see the penguins at feeding time
Nice zoo and don't forget your reciprical membership if you are a member elsewhere. We got 4 safari passes for $20 thanks to it. Elephant forest is very impressive.
The St. Louis Zoo has no admission charge. There are some paid attractions. Summer Zoo Weekends May 30–Aug. 20, 2023 hours are 8 a.m.–5 p.m. — Sunday–Thursday and 8 a.m.–6:30 p.m. — Fri*–Sat
Everyone always says the city they live in has a great zoo. This is no exception. St. Louis has something to be very proud of. Must check out the penguins while you are here.
They sell beer so you can deal with other people's screaming children but it's a zoo so expect children. Good exhibits. Parking is $15 but zoo admission is free.
Enjoying an adventure every time you visit. Knowing a discovery will be made around each corner. You’re at the Saint Louis Zoo, a get-away destination that brings together more than 16,000* wild animals and 3,000,000 visitors each year...