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- The parking fucking sucks!!! Macam haram!!! Macam babi! Macam2!!
- Fuck off ! Wanna sent my gf bk at night also can't ... ! oOo
- Before register here .... try to get information about other colleges around
- Expensive parking.food court sucks bad.too few wifi spots but they claim otherwise on the net.typical private college
- Bad attitude security !! New parking system sucks..
- Babi! Bkn smua student nursing mcm tu,ptt nyer ko letak sesetengah ja,ko sll dpt 4.0 flat ka sbb ko sll gna library ka?
- Guard bawah tu patut kasi up gaji sebab baik sangat, hahaha
- Cuba tengok orang yang meniaga Nasi Ayam. Masak and letak ayam2 tu kat longkang kotor...yuckks!
- Saya jumpa ulat merenyut2 dalam sausage kat cafe western food. Euuuwww
- Dah tukar nama dah,,dah jadi Segi University da sekarang,,
- Apa kata korek parking lagi.. Penat jalan sampai hospital