LOVE ™ takes you on musical journey through the 1960s. This is the only show of its kind that plays this compilation of the classic Beatles songs. AMAZING SHOW!
Sat three rows from the front and am BLOWN AWAY by the incredible performance! Sometimes, they drag the audience up to the stage to participate in their performances.
This show was amazing. Ive seen two of their previous touring shows, but it didn't compare to them playing in their own arena. Don't get front row seats better views are had higher up.
Sat in the very last row of the very last section and the view was still great! Haggled a bit with prices at the box office and got our seats for $90 instead of $116 and the show was awesome!
This astounding show beautifully meshes the Magic of Cirque Du Soleil with the swooning excitement of the Beatles. A must see for anyone headed to Las Vegas!
There's not much of a spectacular Cirque du Soleil style of acrobatics. Most of it is art and good interpretations of each song in the Beatles' album LOVE(duh.)
Get upper seats (full pano-views). DO NOT sit next to anyone 50+ wearing antiwar regalia unless you want to literally relive the summer of love. Take a fellow fan so you can walk out in awe together.
Listen for your favorite Beatles tracks, as this production features more than 100 of the band's original recordings, spliced into a unique 27-song soundtrack.
Can't usually sit for longer than 10 mins, (and perhaps a mild case of undiagnosed ADD?), so was dreading this (gift) LOVED IT! Check out McDonald sculpture gallery in the lobby. Pricy & incredible
John, Paul, George and Ringo. As The Beatles, they changed the world. LOVE, Cirque du Soleil’s interpretation of their legacy, has changed entertainment.