This place is a bit overpriced but in a good location. Get a tasting card and check in on foursquare for extra points. (3 of 4 petals via Fondu) Read more
Stop by on a Saturday afternoon to see if they have a tasting. They will routinely have six or more importers there then, which means at least 18 types of wine to try.
Prices next to wine: not real. Those are only for cases or something. Add 10-20%. Ripoff and misleading? Same wine at trader joe's a block a way on some cases 30% cheaper.
Not your average wine store. Why, you ask? While we feature a curated selection of worldwide wines and spirits, we offer numerous tastings, including free tastings every Saturday and winemaker-hosted educational seminars. Stop by to taste up to 48 wines at any time with our Enomatic machines!