Gives Santorini a run for its money in terms of whitewashed buildings and volcanic landscapes. Great day trip from Kos and understand the appeal of living here for an unhurried week :)
Limana vardiginizda türkce konustugunu sanan dimitrisin agiz kalabaligi sizi adayi gezmekten bile vazgecirebilir.3 saat bize kiraladigi arabanin gelmesini bekledikten sonra sorry ama ne yapabilirim
Adada birkac tane rent a car var,varmadan arabanizi ayirtin(dimitris haric)yoksa gununuz hem 3 saatligine 70 euro vereceginiz,hem de gelmeyen arabayi beklemekle gecebilir.
Ωραίο νησί. Χάλια τα ξενοδοχεία και οι επιλογές διαμονής. Πολλά εστιατόρια με νόστιμο και φθηνό φαγητό. Δραματικοί οι καφέδες. Μοναδική παραλία η Παχιά άμμος.
Nisyros (Greek: Νίσυρος) is a volcanic Greek island and municipality... located in the Aegean Sea. It is part of the Dodecanese group of islands, situated between the islands of Kos and Tilos.(Show more)