During a 40-min boat trip, you will come across an intricate network of passages and galleries. The guided tour into the cavern takes place by boat and on foot - part of it is on land.
If you have never visited a cave system before, this is an absolute must visit. It's a spectacular boat ride through the caves with some nice limestone formations. The last bit is on foot.
The most spectacular cavern in Greece. Most of its length is covered by water and explored on small boats. An absolut must see for anyone visiting the area, aged 3 to 103 :)
Fossilized bones of panthers, hyenas, lions, deer, ferrets and the largest collect of hippopotamus bones in Europe have been found inside the cave. Pottery has been found near the natural entrance.
The tour of the caves is definitely a must-do: let a wooden boat carry you through the barely-lit but astonishing rooms, while the rower will tell (in Greek) many facts about them and the whole cave.
Incredible cave, truly impressive! But the obese illiterate man that operated the boat was so useless & managed to scare my 4 year old son who in general loves caves, boats and water.
Up until 1960, 1,600 metres had been explored and charted, while today the known length of the cave is 14 kilometres. Exploration continues today above and below water with cave diving.
The stalactites and stalagmites that are now beneath the water were formed when the sea level was much lower than it is today. Stalactites have been found at a depth of 71 meters.
The total length of the tourist route through the caves is 1,500 metres. The first 1,300 metres are on a lake and takes about 25 mins. The last part is on foot.
The cave was known to locals from around 1900, but noone suspected what was hidden in its interior until 1949, when Yiannis and Anna Petrocheilou began a to explore it systematically.
Better call first because it was not open. The public servants had too much to eat during Easter and decided to take a nap instead. Prices are 13 euros and 6 reduced price for children.
Φανταστικο το σπήλαιο. Αξιζει να το επισκευτεί κανεις! θα μπορούσαν οι υπάλληλοι να είναι λίγο πιο φιλόξενοι και να εξηγούν και 2-3 πραγματα στον επισκέπτη! Κρίση εχουμε ακούς εκει 12€!
Πανέμορφο το σπήλαιο! Το αρνητικό είναι ότι δεν το προσέχουν καθόλου! Ούτε καν οι βαρκάρηδες που πιάνονταν από τους σταλακτίτες για να κουμαντάρουν τη βάρκα. Πόσο μάλλον οι "Ελληνάρες" τουρίστες.. 😡
Το θέαμα είναι αρκετά εντυπωσιακό, αλλά υπολογίστε ότι θα περιμένετε 1 - 2 ώρες για να μπείτε. Ο χώρος αναμονής έχει ένα καφενεδάκι με κάποια σνακ και καφέ, αλλά γενικα όχι κάτι το ιδιαίτερο.