Unreal! It is the most beautiful club I have ever been to. Amazing facilities and an "air" that keeps the crisis away. Visit or become a member (if you can afford)!
Premium, elegant & relaxing facilities. Firstly, I felt "uncomfortable" due to the fact that it was very far away from Athens but at the end, it was a great experience. I would like to revisit it!
Ένα από τα ωραιότερα ιδιωτικά club της Ελλάδος ίσως του κόσμου.υπέροχοι κήποι,Γήπεδα και γυμναστήριο.πολύ προσεγμένο φαγητό και κοκτέιλς.Ένα υπέροχο τζιν τόνικ με Χέντριξ 3c τόνικ και ροδοπέταλα 🍸