Самолет фест не понравился. Билет 100 грн., а мероприятие явно готовилось на скорую руку. Судя по сайту, здесь столько всего интересного должно было быть, а по факту- мало активностей(
The State Aviation Museum of Ukraine (Zhuliany) is the youngest... and, at the same time, the largest historical museum of the country's technical history. It was established in 2003, and its opening crowned the major date – 100th anniversary of world aviation. Museum is located at the territory of the former Educational Air Base of KIIGA (now NAU), and aircrafts assigned to Base became the core of its collection. The museum fund contains products of almost all leading aviation Design Bureaus of Soviet period – Tupolev, Yakovlev, Ilyushin, Antonov, Sukhoi, Mikoyan-Gurevich, Kamov, Mil, Beriev (in full-scale), as well as replicas from the early twentieth century.(Show more)