The place to buy your stuff for your Home. Also, it's the right place to buy your kid a gift because of the huge verity there. The bad thing is there is no enough parking lots to park your car.
If you are looking for the cheapest option for toys and gifts in one place. It’s also a wholesalemarket. Most of the local toys shop have there main branches here. But still cheap and boring toys.
Loads of toy stores, antiques, bad quality medical & sun glasses, perfumes & makeup. If you decide to visit this place it is better to come by Uber coz u will not find parking spot.
المعروف لا يعرف. كل شيءٍ تبيه بتلقاه بس خذلك لفه على المحلات والاسعار قبل تشتري شيءٍ. واذا ما لقيت موقف، وقف في المواقف السفلية للعقاريه و الله يعينك على الشيل 😅