One of my favorite bakery,distinct Lebanese fusion,super fresh & tasty.So many choices, everyone can find something to will be sure to leave with your own little slice of Lebanon.order a head
Pricy compared other similar bakeries, however, their food is great and worth it. I recommend: the cheese & bacon, kufta, chicken caesar, zatar with veg., minced meat, falafel and the "fakaryat"
اسعارهم اعلي من باقي محلات المعجنات. بس يستاهل اكلهم لذيذ. انصح باللحم المفروم، كفته، دجاج سيزر، زعتر و خضار، جبن و بيكن، فلافل، و صحون الفخاريات البطاطا و الجبن👍✨