There is an exhibition about the aborigine culture at the moment - very interesting and well made. It was very informative and fully provided in English.
You need at least 2 hours to do any justice to this vast collection and go clockwise from the 3rd floor downwards to avoid queuing behind successive coach tours. Lift is at the back in the middle.
Really disappointing museum with nothing much to see since almost every exhibition is closed. AC and Free wifi inside though (really only on the second floor). Only NTD 30 to get in.
国立博物館としては規模は小さく感じられるかもしれませんが、原住民についての展示が素晴しいのでもっと増やしてほしい。大陸と台湾の全く異なる文化的背景があるのだ、と改めて得心しました。You may feel unsatisfied especially after seeing Palace Museum but the exhibition of Taiwan tribals is awesome