Before, it is called biggest shopping mall in China. U can enjoy international brands and local brands. U need take a walk from metro station but it is really big shopping mall.
Message to Grandview Center Mall You must stop abusing the Polar Bear and the other animals and Mammals you have there You must put them back into their Natural Habitat LORD God Almighty Created them
Quit abusing, exploiting, and neglecting animals!!! The polar bear is being neglected stimulation and socializing skills. The fact that it has been brought to your attention proves abusers
I don't understand why Chinese see amusement on animals slowly dying in terrible conditions behind glass prisons. A shopping mall that doesn't have anything to see but the decadence of humanity.
T. shopping mall meens animal cruelty to the polar bear, belugas, etc. petition:
من اكبر المولات اللي زرتها بجوانزو فيه اغلب الماركات العالمية ، ويضم مطاعم كثيرة مثل برجر كنج و بابا جونز وكثير من الكافيهات ، الدور الاخير جميل فيه سينما و العاب وفيه ساحة تزلج، من المولات المفضلة لي