Love the dumplings! Outer skin was thin with lots of meat within. When dipped with sauce, gives a different flavor to the dumpling. Noodle soup was good as the noodles were so smooth.
Line can be long but it moves incredibly fast. Only four dishes on the menu and be prepared to order as soon as you sit down. The kalguksu is delicious and comes with as much kimchi as you can eat.
So good news: really tasty noodles. Some of the best around. Bad news: you will have garlic breath for the next month at least. Your children will be born with garlic breath... still worth it.
Love the dumplings there! We are there because of the dumplings, others are there for the noodles which i believe it is awesome as well.You can request for more kimchi, noodle soup and soup.
칼국수 (kal-gook-soo) place. It's a steamy bowl of soft noodles in delicious broth and comfort from the winter's chill. Noodles are unlimited and kimchi is on the sour side. ₩8,000 for one bowl.
Noodle and Gyoza are wonderful. Soup is delicious as well. Only 4 things in the menu. You can't get away with anything else but you won't regret anything you choose will be good.
Super long queue during lunch time, but the queue moves very fast. Ordering is super efficient, foods is served like in 2 minutes! Very good dumplings! Best food in Korea so far, but very pricey!
The texture of the Noodle was super smooth and nice to eat. Gyoza was quite delish as well. Just that everything is just too garlicky. Be sure to take the chewing gum. -Penang Kia Food Critique-
Hardly a dumpling restaurant. Only 4 choices you can have, and two of them are nothing to do with dumpling. Hot ramen with 4 dumplings I ordered. Taste good, with strong Chinese flavors.
Dumplings are great. Free refills on noodle dishes. One of the best options in the area. Can be crowded, so having a lot of shopping bags can be a hassle.
Vegetarians stay away. I ordered the kimchicold noodles and it had minced pork in disguise. My husband enjoyed his dish though. Very cheap, pay in advance, no English spoken, and filled with locals.
I read all the reviews and decided to come here and eat. Unfortunately, the dumplings are disappointing. I would say the chop noodles not bad... Last, the price is very reasonable...
명성이 자자하길래 찾아봤습니다. 정말 찾는 사람이 많더라고요! 그런데 이곳의 명물인 칼국수는 제 입맛에 잘 안 맞았습니다. 중국 향신료의 향이 나는 듯합니다. 혹시 중국 관광객을 위한 배려인지도 모르겠습니다만... 익숙한 향이 아니라서... 그리고 함께 나오는 김치는 조심해야 해요. 마늘이 많이 들어가서 나중엔 속이 아리네요. 하지만 맛은 좋아요 :)
면, 밥, 육수를 추가로 주는 게 좋음. 10:30 오픈인데, 평일인데도 손님이 많음. 맛은 칼국수라기 보다 불맛 나는 중식면을 먹는 느낌. 만두도 소롱포 비슷. 맛있다는 얘기. 이곳 마늘김치가 유명한데, 이젠 인터넷으로 여러 업체에서 유사 김치를 판매하고 있어 그렇게 특별하진 않다. 직원분들은 바쁜 와중에도 친절.