At the APEC CEO Summit Kirill Dmitriev,CEO of the RDIF, will hold several meetings with international media. Please let us know if you’d be interested in a meeting with Dmitriev during the Summit.
Kirill Dmitriev, CEO of the Russian Direct Investment Fund, will hold several meetings with international media during the APEC CEO Summit. Don't miss your chance to talk to him! Use contacts below:
Wakil Menteri Perdagangn Fransisco Sánchez memberikan sambutan di acara Bali Democracy Forum (BDF) ke-4 dmn ia menghubungkan demokrasi dengan pemerintahan terbuka dan pertumbuhan ekonomi (9/12). Read more
Pada bulan November 2011, Presiden Obama menjadi Presiden AS pertama yang menghadiri KTT Asia Timur. Ia juga bertemu dengan Presiden SBY selama kunjungannya ke Bali. Read more