The first cinema I've been to in Germany, only because they have small but good selection of English movies (original sound instead of German and no subtitles). Online ordering doesn't work too well.
Good original film. The only thing is the commercial advertisements are so long, at least 30 mins and longest is nearly 1 hour. 8e per 2D ticket for student, good deal!
Cinema shows films in original version - which is no dub or sub titles for those preferring English versions of the movie - seats are reserved... use the CineStar app
Buy the tickets on internet.You'll skip the queue and if you go with your partner you can choose to sit in the "kuschelbank" (2 seats with no armrest in the middle)
Great selection of English movies but sadly really dirty. The last time I went I had a mouse sitting in the next chair eating my pretzel. Ruined our night. Really hesitant to go back.
There are MICE in the theater!!! right under my row. It's disgusting. When I notified staff about this problem, I was told that if I don't like something I can go elsewhere and they can't do a thing.
This cinema gets more worth from month to month: Expensive, bad service, long queues, dirty. Unfortunately they have the right location and technology in place so there is no other choice.
Even the movie has started, you are welcome. Or, even the movie has started, you can be disturbed by latecomers, be ready. Volume is too low, maybe German style, pick front seats.
Viel zu viel Werbung vorab! Sehr lästige lange Pausen schon bei Filmen mit leichter Überlänge! Snacks kosten über 10 Euro, was die vielen Pausen erklärt... das verleidet Kinogehen total ...
Das Kino ist ein Dreckstall. An der Bar liegt der Dreck rum, im Kinosaal überall Dreck alte Flaschen und überall Popcorn auf dem Boden. Ein Riesen Dreckstall und Preise wie im Hilton Hotel
Liebes Team vom Metropolis, es ist geradezu lächerlich, einen 2-Stunden-Film (Star Trek) in der Mitte zu unterbrechen, um ein paar Chips und Getränke zu verkaufen. #fail
Standardkino mit Massenabfertigung in Film und Ausstattung. Toiletten in mäßig gutem Zustand, trotz häufigem Säubern. Ziemlich teuer für Massenabfertigung.