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Coffee Assembly

(Now Closed)
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  • Katrina
    KatrinaOctober 12, 2014
    Been here 5+ times
    My new fav cafe in central. Best coffee in Central hands down. Owned by same ppl as Corridor Cafe in CWB. Sad they don't serve food otherwise I'd be there all the time. *Salted Caramel syrup!! <3
  • Serraduraheart icon on user image
    SerraduraJanuary 3, 2015
    Cozy living room style coffee place. Lovely staff and friendly atmosphere. Great coffee too! Can be slightly hard to find, just take the stairs to the first floor and open the door on the left.
  • Jonathan N.heart icon on user image
    Jonathan NguyenAugust 9, 2014
    A cosy little sanctuary where the coffee is good, and you'll be treated like a guest in someone's home. But don't expect a quick visit
  • Gordon L.heart icon on user image
    Gordon LauJuly 27, 2013
    Cozy place for a heartful cup of coffee. Sure it takes time bcz there is only 1 lady but she is very nice,
  • Tiffany L.heart icon on user image
    Tiffany LockJune 15, 2012
    Order the cucumber flavor iced latte -- very refreshing for summer. Great barista!
  • Patrick B.
    Patrick BMay 30, 2015
    I couldn't find the location, it may be upstairs several floors. Pin was wrong- sign is at 6 Elgin street. Probably not open until 1pm
  • Germaine T.
    Germaine TseJanuary 22, 2011
    Best coffee in central! Worth to wait for an hour!
  • Bonnie
    BonnieMarch 28, 2010
    Been here 25+ times
    Open on thursday to Sunday only from 1-8. Quiet environment free wi fi and great coffee
  • JackieC
    JackieCJuly 18, 2010
    Turn on your Wi-Fi! Free Wi-Fi here. Ask for the password.
  • Shanyheart icon on user image
    ShanyNovember 14, 2014
    커피맛이 좋고 조용하며 아늑하다.단 사람이 많아지면 자리가 불편해질수 있다.커피가 좀 늦게 나온다.주인아주머니께서 일본어 광동어 만다린에 능통하며 한국어도 공부중이라고 하신다.한가한 낮시간에 이용하면 아주좋다!!
  • P.O.Box: MOSCOW
    P.O.Box: MOSCOWOctober 15, 2014
    Хорошие не плохие напитки из кофе. Симпатично.
  • Patrick C.
    Patrick ChengJuly 18, 2010
    係度飲咖啡要有心理準備要等呀!因為得一個人做野,比較慢。不過有 heart 的。
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