Spend a while in the food court and sample lots, dumplings at the far end are the best and the beef noodle next to it is the best soup I've had there so far.
The computer stores at the Crystal Mall have some of the coolest gadgets ever. There are several of them in there and they really carry stuff you can't get at the big box stores.
Those with lowered or big cars, DO NOT go into the underground parking lot! You will regret it, horribly designed, tons of blind spots, steep slopes, and other bad drivers!
Beware of a tall white guy 180+ slick hair. He's looking for unsuspecting Asians at the parking lot and asking for money to help buy gas because he's stranded. Goes by Connor Alexander. Scam artist!
DON'T PARK IN THE PARKING LOT. CircularParking Lot (GENIUS!) small spots, Can't find a spot on P1, don't bother. Going down to the rest of the levels includes tight turns, many blindspots...