Fucked up. Their cleaners mop the gym floor with detergent & Clorox when many people are working out there. Can even see the fumes coming out of the pail! That's toxic stuff we are breathing in!
Fitness First Platinum Membership totally worth it. So I got not worries. You get use every Fitness First in Malaysia and overseas too. It's really fun. Urmm this Bukit Tinggi Fitness First is good :)
The cleaners for the gents locker room are pretty creepy. Are they not supposed to have their uniforms on at all time? Why are they using the locker facilities like they are a customer too? Hmm...
The over 18,000 square feet club is the first international health... club chain to have a presence in Klang. The club has the latest in cardiovascular and resistance equipment with a dedicated Functional Training area which is highly effective in increasing performance in daily activities and sports performance.(Show more)