Best memorial of the Berlin Wall in the city. Take your time, start at Nordbahnhof and walk all the way to Schwedter Strasse. It's very interesting and worth your time.
The Berlin Wall Memorial consists of the Chapel of Reconciliation, the Documentation Center, the outdoor exhibition, the exhibition at the S-Bahn Station Nordbahnhof and the Visitors' Center.
I recommend the free tour in the memorial to get a good intro to cold war and the separation of Berlin, and if you'd like to explore further, go to other museums like Check point Charlie (9.5 euros).
This is a must see if you are visiting Berlin. Also check out the Nordbahnhof S-Bahn station which has a nice display of old photos explaining the significance of this station during East/West days.
An open walk through history, following the trail of the former Berlin Wall. Do visit the Information Centre's top floor to view the reserved part of the death strip.
A tourist trap sure, but well worth visiting. The history is very interesting, yet it might be disturbing to some. Lots of photos, plaques and recorded history lessons activated by pressing buttons.
This is a great example of reclaiming of public spaces while paying tribute to history. Quite a visual treat and if you have the time, there are pictures and audio clips that can be heard for free.
Visits should start at the first floor of the Visitor Centre, where you can see a full documentary (+1 for the english subtitles) on the history of the Berlin Wall. The visit is for free! :)
Definitely worth visiting and walking through the exhibits that run in parallel to where the Berlin Wall used to stand. Check out the view from the visitor tower across the street.
History comes alive at this place! So many things to see and read about that you need to set aside enough time to go through the whole area. Visit in the evening when the temperature is lower.
Another great historical site, in memory of the past. There is audio guide inside the park you can walk along and listen to the descriptive narrative story
Gives a good idea of what the wall was like (really two walls with a well-guarded area in-between; the ”death strip”). We approached from the adjacent cemetery, displaced to make room for the wall.
Visit the documentation center, it is donation only and has an excellent exhibition that takes you through the time with the wall. Also has a viewing tower.
We stumpled upon this site by accident, but it was amazing. Details and information about the wall, and some of the families living on the street at that time. Really interesting and nice memorial.
I really enjoyed the video at the end, which showed scenes of Berlin throughout 1989, with culminating with the wall restrictions being lifted and jubilant Germans celebrating the border crossing.
Take your time to check out the info-stations. Lots of individual stories that give a human perspective to the whole exhibition. Pay attention to all the marks on the floor and what they represent.
Very well designed. Shows wall elements, torn down buildings and tunnel locations in the death strip. Be sure to include the Nordbahnhof S-bahn stop in your visit (info about ghost stations)
Bare and desolated this is my favourite wall memorial in town. I went on a sunday evening while dusk was settling, I was the only visitors and it's been an intense experience! Read more
If you are in Berlin, you must learn a little more about the Berliner Mauer. This free exibition brings some interesting information and you can also walk through history to see how it looked like.
There is a great viewingplatform that looks down on the surviving section of wall and the watchtower. You can see many prominent buildings on the skyline and, it's free!
Free access to a wide-ranging and thought-provoking study of the wall and its history. Allow at least two hours, if not longer, to absorb yourself in this immersive exhibition and memorial.
Openair exhibition of the Wall. One can learn details how it was constructed (including deadly zones, extra strenghtening, etc.) and some stories related to this place(successfull and failed escapes).
A free memorial site with a piece of the Berlin Wall and no man's land, great information along the street, visitor's center with a tower view. A place soaked in history!
The Berlin Wall Memorial commemorates the division of Berlin... by the wall and the victims of the Berlin Wall. It includes the Chapel of Reconciliation, the Berlin Wall Documentation Centre, a 60m long section of the border fortifications, the window of remembrance as well as the Visitor Center.(Show more)