Be sure to purchase their "Pin Trader Delight". It's a must! Not only you receive their delicious Ice Cream, you even receive a FREE Limited Pin that goes along with it. 🍦 #happiness #memories
They usually have a special sundae themed to whatever movie is playing at the El Capitan Theater next door. It's not on the menu, but usually advertised near the cash registers.
This place exemplifies friendly, old-fashioned, superior service as well has having delicious products to enjoy the entire holiday season (and beyond!) The establishment is spotless as well. Enjoy!
Free sample squares of their seasonal chocolate squares as you enter. Hollywood Chamber of Commerce and nearby hotels often have coupons. Opened Nov. 2013.
Ir a Hollywood blvd. Y no visitar este lugar es como no haber ido. Ya sea que vayas a comprar chocolates o a sentarte a comer un helado con brownie siempre es buena opción para cerrar el día.