Great selection of books. Foreign books on the second floor. Also offers decorative items, games, jewelry, stationary, and more. Honestly, better than bookcity. Really really like this place 💛
As a stationary geek and a book enthusiast, I think Hamisheh is the best in the business. Visiting this fabulous store would be pretty much enjoyable for everyone.
It’s great, everything is soo cute and they have really good english books and they’re cheap! If u love reading english books but don’t wanna pay too much definitely visit
يه كتاب فروشيخوشگل با كلي نوشت افزار و اكسسوري خوشگل و هنري، كارمنداشون هم معمولا به خوبي توي پيدا كردن چيزي كه دنبالشين كمك مي كنند، سطح قيمت ها از جاهاي مشابه مثل شهركتاب واقعا پايينتر و مناسب تره