Plan to go to Rantau Abang? Take the bus to Dungun, inform the bus conductor that you wish to stop at Rantau Abang. Costs RM5 per trip there. It'll stop a stone's throw away from Awang's BeachResort.
In cases of uncertainty, it's always good to ask around. Helpful people there so far. Don't know which bus to take? Put aside your shyness and just ask!
Always same...should replace with the new one...and kuala terengganu need a cinema so people don't have to go the mesra mall kemaman for watching movie..
Bas bandar pusing Kuala Terengganu percuma.Bahagian bawah station bus ada kaunter tiket dan kedai makan.Tingkat atas, dah macam pasar payang, ada jual jersey, batik,kasut,etc dan banyak kedai jahit.
Terbaik...dibawah terminal bas antara negeri dan bandar. Manakala ditingkat atas tersedia premis2 erniagaan yg menjual perbagai barangan pakaian dan perhiasan pengantin.