I found hair in my honeydewsago, asked for exchanged. They did not even apologize. For My whole stay in the cafe, the waitress did not even speak a word. It's as if I'm entering a mute cafe
Poor service! Seat in yourself, fill in & submit order form yourself, walk over and pay yourself. The staff doesn't even do anything, stand there and told us to 'Do it yourself'. Still charge gst!
新加坡分店众多的港式甜品店,供应甜品中规中矩,不足以味美到勾你魂魄每每让你有想吃的冲动,也不至于差到让你再也不愿踏足。大多分布在购物中心,让人购物血拼之余有一个落脚之处歇息。除了甜品还供应一些港式小食,如云吞面,牛腩面,叉烧面之类,现在有促销,只要6块9就可以享用一道主食,一道小吃加甜品~推荐:杨枝甘露,奶黄流沙包(真的是 一口咬开,馅料如流沙涌出来的) Read more