The best place I have been to buy me a new pair of running shoes. Sales people take time to understand needs, test how you run and advise as much as they can. Take some time.
This is THE place if you're looking for running shoes. They have a treadmill in store which they use to analyze your running style. You can then try out all of the pairs on the treadmill.
A good resource for runners of all levels. If you have time, staffers can film you running on a treadmill and analyze the footage before outfitting you with trainers that suit your stride.
If you're picking out new running sneakers, definitely work with the staff to determine the best shoe for your running style. Take advantage of the treadmill
Nice store.. Very crowded on weekends, excellent service to help you find the right shoes. Video on treadmill to understand your stride before you buy.
Treadmill test to find your perfect running kicks. Can test new shoes for 2 weeks and return for new pair if you don't like them. Customer loyalty program for 10% off all future pairs.
They let dogs in, analyze your running by taping you on a treadmill, and you save $5 if you sync your American express card to your foursquare account! Awesome!
We’re proud to be a community resource & one-stop shop for... all walking, running, & active lifestyle needs. Come in for your free treadmill video gait analysis.(Show more)