Hook up with a stranger or friend if buying a dozen to save P75. Since a dozen is 350 and 2 dozen is 550. Met a lady who asked me if she could add in her 1 dozen with mine, so we could both save up.
Greentease flavor is normally sold out but you can charm away the male bakers for requests ;) female attendants are usually cranky.. 45 mins went down to 15! buy in dozens and you'll save almost P200
and the verdict?? after falling in line for few minutes and completing my orders,its all worth it!! Alcapone is the best.. very light dough.. all in all two thumbs up for their doughnuts..
Ninja moves, if they say they ran out of ALCAPONE have a keen eye or keep an eye on their DONUT RACKS they usually / intentionally hide this goodies :D
Bestseller must haves: alcapone and tiramisu. Their green tea flavors also a must try. Beware of long lines though! Waiting time reaches an hour on a payday weekend.
Finished one alcapone and blood sugar did not shoot up.. but management has to come up with a system to bulk buyers and those who only want few pieces.