Need information about Ferries,Boat Chartered,Transportation & Tickets. Please feel free to contact me via Mobile:- +6013.9535.666,+6012.9679.444 & +6010.9094.123. OR Visit our Counter No.1 at Jetty.
If you're on the Big Ferry via Express Sejahtera, the A/C is freezing cold ! So either bring warm clothes; or go sit on the upper open-air deck. They even sell ice cream and hot drinks up there !
Jeti ke Pulau Redang.Lokasi Didepan Pejabat Pos Besar Kuala Terengganu,Jalan Sultan Zainal Abidin.Dekat Pasar Payang,Bukit Puteri,Dataran Syahbandar,China Town & Terminal Gentian Bas MBKT.