Listen to the public announcement. Sometimes there r delays. D person taking ticket stubs will tell u which entrance 2 board. Don't need to pay for luggage service if u can handle it yourself.
Dun ever buy chocolates or liquor here eventhough its tax free...if wanna buy cheapchocolates and liquor pls go to the Zon at the underwater world at pantai cenang
Remember this 2 thing . Alcohol and tabaco just can be bring out each per item . Mean 1 litter of drink and 1 carton of cigarate . If more u need to pay more for tax. How (˘̩̩̩.˘̩ƪ) now at kastam lane
Went during cny,bought ticket for 3 oclock,the ferry for 2 pm still haven't arrived!! many stranded here..cramped and aircond is not functioning..