Don't miss the Jeruzalémská synagoga! It's a bit far from the others, but stunning inside and out. Plus, there are great exhibitions about its history and the history of jews in Prague.
When touring this area you should try to visit Pinkas Synagogue first time in the morning when it opens or before it closes to avoid crowds. Remember to buy tickets in advance at Maiselova street.
Good place to walk around and get a glimpse of the city's history. The architecture around here is quite something. Tip: take a free walking tour (tips only) & this will be on their list for sure.
Josefov is one of the best neighbourhoods of Prague. Apart from the rich Jewish heritage, a few of the most famous brands in the world have shops here.
Type in "Metronom" and go. In 10 minutes, you'll be enjoying great views of Prague - alone. Turn right and walk to the National Technical Museum. Have a beer in the beer garden in front of it.
The Jewish cemetery was very interesting to see but all of the synagogues are not worth the admission price if you aren't interested in Jewish history.
Josefov es el barrio Judío en Praga, sinagogas, el cementerio, restaurantes, museos, hoteles, parques y tiendas de diseñador, un lugar que vale la pena recorrer con calma, es bellísimo.
Se avete intenzione di visitare i vari monumenti, munitevi del biglietto completo, è il più conveniente. Si acquista al Museum Shop vicino alla Sinagoga vecchia e nuova.
Assolutamente da visitare.. Facendo il biglietto completo si possono visitare tutte le sinagoghe adiacenti.. Peccato per la Jerusalem Sinagogue che non è compresa nel biglietto