A stone's throw from the court houses and Bx. museum. Yankee stadium is within earshot. The surrounding architecture is, in and of itself, worth a visit. Open and well maintained. One of the better!
Leave this world a little better than you found it. Don't be a litterbug. Help keep our community clean. If you find a mess on the ground, clean it up regardless of who might have made it.
Check out the north-end playground of Joyce Kilmer Park, one of the new public wi-fi hotspots provided by AT&T and New York City in parks across the five boroughs. Nice!
See Katherine Daniels' Ornamental Paths, a colorful site-specific weaving, winner of the 2012 Clare Weiss Emerging Artist Award, on display through June 2013. Read more
New York City Department of Parks & Recreation is the steward... of 5,000 of New York City’s parks and park properties—that’s 14 percent of the city! You can follow NYC Parks for expert tips in every corner of the city. Be sure to check in at New York City’s parks, playgrounds, recreation centers, monuments, food carts, and facilities to become a true New York explorer! Please read the City of New York's Social Media Customer Use Policy at nyc.gov/socialmediapolicy for information on communicating with Parks through social media. All service requests should be submitted through nyc.gov/311.(Show more)