Cheap tricks like flower lady or musicians waiting for a tip, but a great place overall. The meal and the beer were delicious. It's a shame there's only one kind of draft beer in a beerrestaurant.
Stylishromantic atmosphere typical of Budapest. In terms of price is also relatively comparable between the ratio of price to what we enjoy. Resto Service also adds its own value
Great service, home-brewed beer, sometimes live music in the evening. Also, you get to play a game of dice, and if you win - your bill is paid by the restaurant owner.
The local beer on the tap is just excellent. The food is also pretty good, it's a pity that the size of the portions ruin the overall experience. I left the place a bit hungry...
This is really a fantastic place, when you are here just ask for the boss the most funniest restaurant manager I have ever met, Mr. Daniel Papp. You cal refer to me as we are really good friend...
Suasana yang romantisbergaya khas Budapest. Dari segi harga juga masih relatif sebanding antara rasio harga dengan apa yang kita nikmati. Layanan resto ini juga menambah nilai tersendiri.
kaptam a saját sörükből úgy több korsónyit, hogy a 0.5l-es jelzés alatt volt vagy másfél centivel. A kaja meg lassú és sós volt. Szerencse hogy számolnak maguknak 10% jattot,mert csak így kaptak...