Fantastic ballet triptych! Well choreographed, good ballet troupe & the live orchestra was on point. The opera house is a great size, seats are super comfy & tickets very well priced. A must visit!
Latvian National Opera present an average of six new productions each year. In total, the opera sees over 200 performances and several symphonic and chamber musicconcerts a season.
Be careful where you buy your seats - Upstairs left or right higher tier - the stage is literally invisible because of the angle make sure to buy tickets where the seating is in front of the pillars!
Latvian National Opera presents an average of six new productions each year. In total, the opera sees over 200 performances and several symphonic and chamber musicconcerts a season.
Любителям оперы рекомендую. Очень уютныйнебольшой зал, прекрасная акустика и замечательные голоса. Правда некоторые постановки в современном прочтении могут вызвать недоумение.
Лучше бы потратили деньги на нормальные голоса, чем на голых девок на столах и стриптиз немолодых дам из хора, изображающих половой акт с певцамина на сцене. Отдельное шоу -Виолетта в чулках и корсете
The official history of Latvian opera began in 1912, when the Latviešu Opera was established in Riga by Pāvuls Jurjāns. During the First World War, the singers evacuated to Russia.
High-class opera and ballet productions can also be seen in Latvia.... Latvia even has its own White House – that is how Latvians call the building proudly rising up on Basteja Boulevard next to the picturesque city canal.(Show more)