The rib tips are crispy, crunchy, smoke-laden, and decadent. Missing some of the juiciness of the best versions, but still utterly fantastic, especially when paired with thickly ground hot links.
I come for the chicken wings and fries, but really I just come for the sauce and just about any vehicle will do. Best BBQ sauce, I could drink it by the gallon. Don't judge me 😍
Good rib tips and even better hot links at this Chicago staple. The sauce is divisive though: it's very different and has an almost numbing effect. Be prepared for lines out the door on the weekends.
As the best South Side barbecues do, Lem’s has you order through bulletproof glass and then take your ribs. But it would take much more to scare away devotees of these vinegary, charred rib tips. Read more
A few things: There are no seats, this is a strictly carry out place. Also, they don't take debit or credit cards. Cash only!!! Don't come in here on your phone, they won't serve you until you're off.
Lem's sauce is pretty much just like my mother's - when she didn't feel like making her own, Lem's was the substitute - she would buy it by the gallon!