Once you climb down the stairs, make sure you follow the signs to a fishermen village. It's a 20min walk, but you are rewarded with a small river and an amazing scenic view.
Impressive. Definitely worth a visit. I took the boat ride (¥70 I believe) instead of the hike. You get a full front view of the statue. Didn't want to hike and get stuck in the crowds.
Really beautiful! You don’t have to climb the mountain to see it, this time be a lazy tourist and go by boat! You’ll see the Buddha in whole, instead of only parts while dodging all the other tourists
70rmb for visit by boat,90rmb for visit Giant Buddha.Another 95rmb for visit Thousand Hand Buddha (but if u have limit time-u can skip visit Thousand Hand Buddha).U can visit a Ling Yun Temple beside
This is one of the most outstanding sculptures in the world. If you are on Cheng Du or someplace nearby, this is a must for every traveler.... Don't come on the national week, it's madness.
Boat tour price ($70 yan/person). It is super quick. It lasted inly 5 min in front of the Buddha statue. However, we prefer this option instead of hiking narrow steps with a bunch of rushy Chinese.
We came on a Tuesday: we paid 100 yuan for the Buddha and the Buddha garden as students (you have to show student cards) and there was no queue. It was super nice ! A must!
It's overcrowded!!!! Too much people making me feeling sick. You need a day to walk up and visit all the temples on your way. Just the main big Buddha is really too crowded.
The Giant Buddha 233 feet tall, was carved around 618–907AD with a thirteen story wooden structure, plated in gold for protection that was later destroyed by Mongols at the end of the Yuan Dynasty.
Construction was started in 713, led by a Chinese monk named Haitong. He hoped that the Buddha would calm the turbulent waters that plagued the shipping vessels traveling down the river. 71m tall.
Would have been a great site but the Buddha is underground restoration so it was covered mostly by green tarp. Tourist activities are discounted because of this.
I honestly expected more of this place. Of course it is impressive but the Buddha isn’t well maintained (what a pitty!). If you opt for the boat, keep in mind the tour last 10 min.
It took me 45min take a queue to see all of statue,very crowded.If u choose this way,u have to pay 90rmb.If u choose to see giant buddha by Ferry,u have pay 70rmb
Una visita nocturna por la ladera opuesta al monte... iluminado completamente con distintos colores el monte entrega una vista ma..ra..vi..llosa...!!!!!!! (Por el paseo junto a los pubs y karaokes.)
Có 3 option:đi thuyền(70 tệ),đại Phật(90 tệ),Phật ngàn tay(95 tệ) nhg nếu ít tgian thì nên bỏ qua Phật ngàn tay.Xếp hàng khá mất tgian vì đông.Có thể thăm quan Linh vân tự ngay cạnh Lạc sơn đại Phật
Nếu mua vé đi thuyền thì chỉ mất 70rmb(250k vnd) cho việc đi dọc bờ sông và ra thẳng trước mặt bức tượng,ngắm,chụp ảnh.Còn đi đường bộ leo từ trên thân xuống chân tượng thì mất 90rmb