An oval shopping centre with balai sarbini concert hall, right place for meeting point, near busway shelter, my favourite is papabunz bakeryshoppe located in lower ground near gramedia bookstore
If you like putu, a sweat traditional steamed cake made out of coconut and flour, filled with brown sugar, you can get it here on LG floor, in front of Giant supermarket.
Gadget fans, visit ShowcaseFever, located at 2nd floor no. no.163 & 10. It is the place to get all original and highend accessories of iPad , iPhone, Android, and Blackberry. All at reasonable price
If you like airsoftgun dont miss Red Target airsoft...located in front of mitra sehat massage prlour...they give good price :) forgot the floor but i think its on 4th
An oval shopping centre with balai sarbini concert hall, right place for meeting point, near busway shelter, my favourite is papabunz bakeryshoppe located in lower ground near gramedia bookstore,
YJ Danceclass n Choreography, terbuka untuk umum, pemula, pelajar, karyawan..get ur PRIVATE CLASS or COMPANY/COORPORATE class..for register or futher info add pin:26BF1057 sms: +6283899551988
Quick reviewing Reckitt Benckiser strength & weakness for upcoming group meeting at this 10am at the food court, hope this would be convenience place for discussing..