The newest Mesjid in Shah Alam. Looked like a smaller replica of Mesjidil Nabawi in Medinah. Great ambiance and cooling aircond a on a hot day. Kusyuk and 20 rakaat Terawikh definitely
What's Good here, Foursquare? Allah, jamaah prayers, and calmrelaxing atmosphere that contrasts perfectly with the horror of your realisation that you were previously lost and hope for redemption.
This masjid was opened on 13 Mar 2013 by Sultan Sharafuddin Idris Shah of Selangor & was named after the late Tengku Ampuan Jemaah of Selangor, the second Raja Permaisuri Agong (Queen) of Malaysia.
Mosque is still new. No stand fan yet. You will sweat enough if you perform your prayer alone. Looks like the aircon will only be switch on during jemaah.
As Salamualaikum Wa Rahmatullah! Semoga Kita Dibawah Rahmat Dan Hidayah Allah swt! Tunaikan Hak Allah swt antaranya SOLAT 5 Waktu! Kenali kami - ...