My wallet was pinched in this area as it was crowded. You don't really pay much attention to people bumping into you. So please be very careful of your valuables, SERIOUSLY but convenient stop.
Why not take a train north for a quick break from the city? Take S-train C for 15 min. to Klampenborg, to go to the beach, the amusement park "Bakken" or the forrest "Dyrhaven".
Thoroughly confusing train ticket system. Don't get caught out trying to think Zone 1-4 pass gets you anywhere more than 5-8 km from the centre. The all zones pass is worth the peace of mind.
If you suffer from claustrofobia, avoid entering tracks 1 and 2 from the metro. Staircases are so narrow that two people with bags can only pass each other by pressong against the dirty walls.
Don't give foreign beggars money. They are working slaves for ruthless criminals. Money Will only expand the exploitation. But local homeless people are sad beings that could need a helping hand.
Denne station er slet ikke til at overskue. Der meget lidt plads på perronen og metrostationen er altid fuld med mennesker. Til almindelig togtraffik anbefales Østerport eller Hovedbanegården.
Enig i, at stationen er smal, klam, forurenet og ildelugtende! Heldigvis bliver den bygget om ved Nørreports store renovering, som efter planen skal være færdig i 2014...